
Homecoming Court Nominees (Girls)

Aditi Amlani Smoke Signal: How did you feel when you were nominated? Were you surprised? Aditi Amlani: Truthfully, I didn’t hear my name because of all the cheers during the Senior Hottie announcements. But after…

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A DIY Halloween

By Aileen Lu Looking for the perfect Halloween costume this year but tight on cash? Never fear; here are some DIY costume ideas you can make without breaking the bank. 1) Coordinated Costumes Get your…

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Root Seeking Camp

By Ginger Werner The camp ended after 10 days of fun and amazing experiences. After many tearful goodbyes, the Mission students then went to Chengdu, a province in the Sichuan area of China. The Sichuan…

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Student Spotlight: Sharon Chung

By Connor Williams Sharon Chung founded MSJ’s very first fashion club. The Smoke Signal recently got the chance to talk to Sharon about the club and what she is planning for it. Smoke Signal: Can…

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Dear Diary

By Rebecca Dutta September 7, 2010 7:00 AM Today, my alarm clock must have rung at least five times before my sister finally barged into my room to tell me to, “shut the darn snooze…

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Beginning of the Year Advice

By Sonia Dhawan & Audrey Wu Freshmen: 1. Enjoy having your home in the N-wing! But don’t just stay in one place. Explore the whole campus. 2. Get involved in your first homecoming—it sets the…

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Dear Diary: MSJ, Here I Come!

The Excitement Phase | March 15, 2010 | 11:40 AM Dear Diary, I can’t believe it; we got our high school registration forms today! I also can’t believe there’s only two and a half more months until…

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Spring Fashion Guide

Ruffles: The good: Ruffles are a cute, girly way to make a fashion statement this spring. But just like any other bold statement piece, don’t overdo it. Choose a ruffled top, skirt, or dress, and…

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Adding Your Way to College

Location ____/15 Location is a major factor to look into when trying to decide where to go to college. Remember: this is where you will be residing for the next four years of your life,…

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