The Smoke Signal, MSJ's Official Newspaper


What It’s Like to be a Smokie | The Smokie Podcast Season 2 Episode 3

By Editor-in-Chief Sabrina Wu, A&E Editor Megh Basu, and Staff Writers Varun Upadhyay & Isabella He

Ever wondered what the students in the Smoke Signal do every day to bring you news about the MSJ community? Want to know what goes on behind the scenes of your school newspaper? In the third podcast episode of season two, you’ll learn about the jobs of a First-Year Staff Writer, Second-Year Staff Writer & Events Manager, Section Editor, and an Editor-in-Chief.

Also, be sure to watch the video extension linked below in which there is a bonus Q&A where each Smokie will answer a question submitted by the MSJ community! The questions were submitted on a google form posted to the school Facebook groups.

Apply to the Smoke Signal for the 2021-22 school year at

Special thanks to Isabella He (First-Year Staff Writer), Varun Upadhyay (Second-Year Staff Writer & Events Manager), Megh Basu (Arts & Entertainment Editor), and Sabrina Wu (Editor-in-Chief).


Cover Image and Episode edited by Web Editor Mahek Bhora

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