
Discussing Police Brutality

By Staff Writers Gloria Chang & Julia Park From Michael Brown’s death in Ferguson to the recent police shooting of Carnell Snell Jr. in Los…

Graphic Opinions

Graphic by News Editor Lucille Njoo Graphic by Graphics Editor Zen Thumparkkul Check out the in-print article about politician accountability that this graphic accompanies. Graphic by…

Gender Wage Gap Voices: Online Extension

Senior Allamaprabhu Pattanashetty was interviewed in our November issue for our “Voices: Gender Wage Gap” story answering the question, “Do you believe there is a…

Feminism Voices

As a continuation of Opinion’s “Modern Feminism” piece, the Smoke Signal has compiled voices from MSJ students about their thoughts on feminism and gender equality….

Guest Graphic Opinions

The Smoke Signal received more submissions than we were able to accommodate in our print issue. Below are additional graphic opinions submitted by MSJ students….

Cultural Mis-appropriation

By: Staff Writer Vivian Liu   Katy Perry’s artistic license has covered everything from California girls to extraterrestrials. That’s why at the 2013 American Music…