
Interactive Graphic: Net Neutrality Voices

By Journalism 1 Staff Writers On Wednesday, December 6, Smoke Signal journalists conducted “Man on the Street” interviews with San Francisco residents and tourists about the Federal Communication Commission’s (FCC) proposed repeal of net neutrality. Net…

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Redefining Prom Traditions

 By Staff Writers Gloria Chang & Helen Wang While prom may be just a high school dance, it is also a way to celebrate self-expression. Breaking prom traditions is essential in embracing our differences, and…

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Dispelling the Community College Stigma

By Staff Writers Ella Chen & Anagha Mandayam   It is with subdued whispers and sideways glances that the words “community college” are uttered in the hallways. To many MSJ students, community college is hardly…

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Should the Electoral College be Abolished?

By Staff Writers Jenny Miao, Vicki Xu & Maggie Zhao In its February 3 issue, the Smoke Signal offered a comprehensive overview of the electoral college system. Below are compiled student voices and statistics regarding their views…

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