Demolition and Construction Near P-Wing
By: Ishan Goyal On Monday, December 3rd, tractors rolled into the MSJ parking lot to start their job of tearing down the old portables. “The…
By: Ishan Goyal On Monday, December 3rd, tractors rolled into the MSJ parking lot to start their job of tearing down the old portables. “The…
By: Shirby Wang If you walked into C120 on Halloween, you would have seen rows of spooky tombstones lining the stage and the seats,…
By: Shirby Wang Starting from November 1 of last week, Leadership 2 began a canned food drive to collect cans to donate to Abode, formerly…
By: Aamir Rasheed Every year, MSJ’s fine arts club, Universal Performers (UP), produces a fall play. This year’s production, Bull in a China Shop, opens…
By: Jaynelle Gao Facing History and Ourselves asked people from all over the country to nominate educators who were Upstanders – people who “[embrace]…
By: Tammy Tseng On October 23, SURFBoardE (Students United for the Representation to the Fremont Unified School District Board of Education), FUSD’s student council, hosted…
By: Kerrie Wu This year, both all MSJ clubs will have to follow new bylaws, in addition to the rules from previous years. ASB established…
By: Rachel Choi In light of recent bullying tragedies across the nation, FUSD has implemented a new anti-bullying campaign for all schools in the district….
By: Allan Ko “Wait, wait, quiet—listen!” We fell silent as the music on the radio faded out and the DJs began discussing Endeavour’s flyover of…
By: Jason Chen MSJ recently installed a brand new “Healthy Vending machine” in the gym quad to enhance the overall snack and drink buying experience….