2012 Presidential Election Update


Krisis: Hey, so it’s been a while since our last election update. The past month hasn’t proved to be too eventful in terms of controversial news but the candidates have been campaigning all over the country.

Gopportunity: A topic that’s often brought up is Obama’s health care act, The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). He’s been promising healthcare reform since 2008 but I think if it’s successful, the late timing on this act could greatly benefit his re-election.

K: I think it certainly is a success. Supporters emphasize how it prevents insurance from denying coverage based on pre-existing conditions such as children with already diagnosed illnesses, going into effect for children in 2010 and adults in 2014. Normally, insurance companies would reject the patient because of high cost and risks. However, it also stops insurance companies from dropping patients from coverage once they get sick. I heard it also allows dependents to remain under their parents’ insurance until age 26, which will really help students out in the future.

G: Though the act sounds good at first, behind all those pros is a lethal mixture of restrictions on citizens.  It will force citizens to face penalties if they do not have health insurance by 2014 and impose new taxes on businesses that cripple economic growth. This sounds like the federal government is overstepping its bounds and is forcing people to buy the product.

K: Health care is one place where Romney’s plans disagree with Obama’s. Romney has stated repeatedly that he will “repeal and replace” Obama’s health care act and make dramatic changes to the health care situation in the US. It’ll certainly be interesting to see where this debate leads, as America’s health care has been one of the most controversial prominent issues for years.

G:  Romney’s plan is radically different from the current way most Americans get their insurance: from their employers. His plan is to give Americans a tax break so they can choose and purchase their own insurance, while providing strong incentives for companies to stop offering insurance to employees. His plan would effectively overhaul Medicare and Medicaid.

K: Despite this revolutionary outline, critics say the plan could actually leave more Americans without insurance.  Also, Romney hasn’t spoken about the specifics of how to fund this new plan. With the lack of details for an untried and untested plan, Romney’s course of action could spell disaster for the health care situation in the long run.

G: Not that the details and funding of Obamacare were clear when the House passed it in 2010.

K: Only time can tell if Obamacare will prove to be a success. Another one of the public’s largest concerns is Romney’s relatability to the struggling American public. With a fortune hundreds of times more than the average American’s, Romney has been criticized for being too wealthy to understand majority middle-class problems. People who aren’t living off a CEO’s salary aren’t as confident that he’ll understand and solve the issues that are greatest for the majority. He’s often considered part of the 1% because of his wealth.

G:  I agree, that’s one of the biggest issues for Romney. His response is that due to his experience as CEO of Bain Capital, a financial company, he knows how to lead America to economic success. He claims to be a “turn-around” specialist and says less government regulation would be beneficial for creating jobs—something all students will be looking for when they begin their careers. I think America could benefit from Romney’s business expertise.

K: Not to mention, it seems like Romney has gained the support of most of the Republican leaders. Recently, former U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice endorsed Romney at a fundraiser in the California Bay Area after he criticized Obama on Solyndra. As a potential running mate for Romney, Rice could help boost his votes from women and black voters. However, Rice did reject the possibility of becoming his vice president in March.

G: Other recent endorsements that Romney has gathered include those of Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, Former First Lady Nancy Reagan, and Former Secretary of State George Shultz.

K: We’ll still have to see about some other bipartisan leaders though.

G: Stay tuned for the next update on the 2012 presidential election!


1 Comment on "2012 Presidential Election Update"

  1. Pretty sure that Romney was successful as a CEO… by buying companies, shipping their jobs off to China, and reaping huge profits as the workers were laid off. Predatory capitalism at its worst…finest.

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