Homecoming Review Behind-the-Scenes


As advisor to the Smoke Signal, I welcome all views to our site. Here’s some behind-the-scenes to help clear out the confusion.

Daily review writers work from notes taken on a template that covers all aspects from spirit and decorations to the skit and airbands. They are trained to look for both positive and negative aspects in their overall impression.

Students write under extreme time pressure, usually one hour, and all reviews are read by an editor and by me before they are posted.

Although online review writers remain anonymous, they are never from the class that performed that day.

We appreciate your comments but ask that they not be obscene and not directed at a specific individual.

As journalists, we know you won’t always agree, but keep reading and look for the full print edition on Friday, Nov. 5th.

Mrs. Cohen

5 Comments on "Homecoming Review Behind-the-Scenes"

  1. Might want to put who wrote this.

  2. Just wondering, why did you switch from the original online review format from 2007 and beyond when it used to be an article listing positives and an article listing negatives? i feel like that was a lot more unbiased and allowed for all 4 classes to have their flaws pointed out more equally.

  3. NOT A STUDENT. A LURKER, HOWEVER. | November 1, 2010 at 2:55 am | Reply

    o hai there i am causing problems eh HERE’S SOME MORE PROBLEMS *INSERT CURSE WORD HERE*

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