Meet the Court: Jester

Savanna Lee

With a constantly optimistic attitude and comedic persona, Homecoming Jester Candidate Savanna Lee hopes to encourage students to create positive environments and meaningful friendships at MSJ. Outside of academics, Lee is Captain of the MSJ Varsity Badminton team, which she has been a part of since her freshman year, and has helped conduct practice sessions, organized spirit days, and lead the team to multiple MVALs, NCS, and CIF titles. She is also involved in the MSJ Cloud and Networking Club on campus. As Jester, Lee plans to boost a positive atmosphere in the student community though setting an example to inspire others to always stay optimistic through adversity. 

“In all seriousness, I hope the role of jester, whoever it ends up being, helps remind people to not take life so seriously when things get rough and to surround themselves with people who make them laugh and smile,” Lee said.


Jaden Edwin

As a devoted fan of Cars, Homecoming Jester Candidate Jaden Edwin was ecstatic when Lightning Mcqueen became the Homecoming theme for seniors. “I was really hyped up when Lightning Mcqueen, the character in Cars, became the theme for seniors, it was like the only movie I’ve ever watched. My favorite Lightning Mcqueen movie was the first one,” Edwin said. On campus, Edwin is involved in MSJ Youth Alive and MSJ Interact. At a young age, he realized that he gained popularity from talking to people and making them laugh, so now he knows everyone even if they may not know him. As Jester, he hopes to make an impactful memory for people that will see him on stage. 

“I would just like people to know that I’m a friendly person and like it’s not just like I’m serious all the time. I just like people and I’m open to conversation,” Edwin said. 



Prathul Ganesh

Although his campaign initially started on a whim, Homecoming Jester Candidate Prathul Ganesh hopes to bring significant impacts to the student community with this role. Ganesh is currently heavily involved with many activities around school. He participates in Relay for Life and is an active member of the Impromptu Club, which serves the local community through music performances. Ganesh also participates in Key Club activities and performs in plays by the Universal Performers Club. He hopes to encourage students to leave positive impacts on the community through leading by example and always having a charismatic personality to spread joy.

“The impact I want to make as Jester is kinda just, making sure that I leave a positive impact on the community and just making sure that everyone likes being around me as a person and enjoys talking to me” Ganesh said.


Christopher Apy

Having spent more than half his life in theater, Homecoming Jester Candidate Christopher Apy hopes to spread positivity around the MSJ community. Apy has an extensive background in performing, which has helped him build charisma. Starting his comedic journey with his first show at age eight, he continued participating in theater throughout his childhood, and is currently involved in the musical theater club on campus. Apy is also part of Leadership II’s Activities Committee, which runs the activities and events around the school. He has served as the 2022-23 Mission Man, leading the student population in spirited chants at assemblies. Apy is also Captain of the Speech and Debate Club, as well as an active member of the Universal Performers Drama Club. As Jester, he hopes to encourage students to smile and leave a legacy of proving that students can have fun even with the academic pressure at MSJ.

“I don’t want to toot my own horn, but I think I’m a knee slapper. You know, I’m prettily, diddly darn funny. Usually I’ll tell jokes. People just find me funny—funny looking,” Apy said.


Pranav Shilwant

Recognizing the academic pressures and stressful environment of MSJ, Homecoming Jester Candidate Pranav Shilwant aspires to destigmatize the negative reputation of the school and encourage students to enjoy their experiences in these four years. Outside of academics, he is also on the school’s baseball team, an officer of MSJ Mock Trial, and a member of MSJ Sports Analytics. As a part of Leadership II’s Tech Committee, Shilwant also plays a significant role in Homecoming preparations. His tasks backstage, which include setting up speakers and ensuring their functionality, allow assemblies to run smoothly. As Jester, Shilwant will continue to uplift spirits of those around him by cracking jokes with his peers.

“I want to make people you know, like, de-stress a little bit, have more fun in their time at the school and kind of get rid of the stigma that you know, we’re just like a stress school and there’s no fun here. I want to make people laugh. Just enjoy their days a little bit more,” Shilwant said.

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