The Smoke Signal, MSJ's Official Newspaper


Newsbytes: Tesla Investigation Closed, Women’s March, South Korean Culture Minister Arrested, Moth Named After Trump

By Staff Writers Gloria Chang & Amy Chen

Local — Tesla Autopilot crash investigation closed

On January 19, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) officially cleared Fremont-based Tesla Motors in the investigation of the fatal Model S car crash in May 2016. Joshua Brown, a 40-year-old Tesla owner, was killed while driving on a Florida highway, resulting in widespread attention to the Tesla Autopilot feature. In its report the NHTSA said, “NHTSA’s examination did not identify any defects in design or performance of the … Autopilot systems.”

National — Women’s March protests Trump Presidency

Millions across the world protested in the Women’s March on January 21, the second day of Donald Trump’s presidency, wearing pink and carrying signs that gave voice to their opinions about Trump’s sexism, racism, and bigotry. Within the US, cities such as New York, Washington D.C., Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, Seattle, and Oakland received thousands of protesters. Activists such as Gloria Steinem and celebrities like Madonna made appearances to speak to the crowds. Internationally, 673 places, including London, Paris, Madrid, Tokyo, Seoul, and New Delhi, also staged “sister marches” to protest Trump’s presidency.

International — South Korean Culture Minister Arrested

South Korean Culture Minister Cho Yoon-Sun was arrested on January 21 over allegations of compiling a blacklist of celebrities and famous figures that criticized President Park Geun-Hye, who was impeached last month. Around 10,000 actors, musicians, poets, and painters were reportedly blacklisted and denied government subsidies. After a complaint by a group of artists, a special prosecution team obtained a warrant and began looking into the issue. According to Reuters, Cho is the first sitting minister to be arrested while in office.

Quirky — Unique moth named for President Trump

Evolutionary biologist Vazrick Nazari, a researcher from Ottawa, Canada, published his findings of the Neopalpa donaldtrumpi, a new species of moth named after President Donald Trump on January 17, in the online journal Zookeys. The name is inspired by the yellow and white scales on the moth’s head that resemble Trump’s signature hairstyle. Nazari discovered the new species while investigating twirler moths in California.

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