
Voices: School Safety

By Journalism 1 Staff Writers  The February 14 shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School this year left 17 dead. Newly revived contention over guns…

Respect and Education: The N-Word

By Staff Writers Kikue Higuchi & Shray Vaidya As music by African-American artists becomes more popular, the n-word is heard more, seen more, and used…

Importance of Reserves Online Extension

By Staff Writer Ian Hsu, Sahana Sridhar & Kelly Yang     From Native American reserves to hiking trails and waterfalls, our nation’s natural parks not only add…

The Underlying Racism

By The Smoke Signal Editorial Board The Mission Bubble seemingly represents a melting pot of cultures; as a place where minorities are the majority, residents…

Interactive Graphic: Net Neutrality Voices

By Journalism 1 Staff Writers On Wednesday, December 6, Smoke Signal journalists conducted “Man on the Street” interviews with San Francisco residents and tourists about the…

Redefining Prom Traditions

 By Staff Writers Gloria Chang & Helen Wang While prom may be just a high school dance, it is also a way to celebrate self-expression….