
MSJ Screens “The Hunting Ground”

History teacher Bill Jeffers and counselors Deanne Andrews, Ivy Lee, Joanna Jensen, and Lindsay Rotter screened The Hunting Ground, a documentary about sexual assault and…

MSJ Alumni Give Cortex Talks

By: Staff Writer Carolyn Ge MSJ Alumni Daniel Do and Aaron Lin came to MSJ after school on March 22 to 24 to give Cortex…

MPPFA Funds New Library iMacs

By: Staff Writer Zen Thumparkkul As the result of a joint effort made by Mission Possible Parent & Faculty Association (MPPFA) and School Site Council, MSJ’s…

MSJ Model United Nations Shines

By: Staff Writer Mustafa Ahmed MSJ’s Model United Nations (MUN) team competed at the sixty-fourth Berkeley Model Nations from March 4 to 6. Berkeley Model…

Speech Showcase: Preview

By: Staff Writer Ashley Chang Come out to MSJ’s annual Speech Showcase held on March 13 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in C-120. The…

MSJ Places Third At Regional Science Bowl

By: Staff Writer Brian Tseng  MSJ students competed in the Sandia National Laboratories Regional High School Science Bowl on February 27 at Las Positas College…