Articles by Jessica Yu

SCA5 Sparks Student and Parent Response

By: Staff Writers Anand Balaji and Hairol Ma   Senate Constitutional Amendment Number 5 (SCA5) is a proposed piece of California state legislation that would…

MSJ Robotics Team Advance

By: Staff Writer Katrina Cherk On February 23, robotics teams from across Northern California competed at the 2013-2014 FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) NorCal Regional Championship…

HOMSJ: March

A new online series called Humans of MSJ will allow a window into our school community, much like Humans of New York, a popular Facebook…

Peer Resource Art Gallery

By: Anand Balaji MSJ Peer Resource has been exploring a variety of unique ways to get the word out about teen dating violence. This year…

New Classes at MSJ

By: Andrea Tam This year, the pre-registration packets distributed to students feature several changes in course listings, including a new Principles of Engineering course, new…