Articles by Jessica Yu

MSJ students shine at TSA State Conference

By Staff Writer Rishi Chillara MSJ Technology Student Association (TSA) traveled to CA State University, Bakersfield to compete at the CA TSA State Conference from…

Voices: School Safety

By Journalism 1 Staff Writers  The February 14 shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School this year left 17 dead. Newly revived contention over guns…

National School Walkout: Voices

Voices collected by Journalism 1 Staff Writers As the national school walkout in response to the Parkland Massacre progressed Wednesday morning, we sent staff writers into…

DECA Excels at SCDC

By Staff Writers Rishi Chillara & Shreya Sridhar MSJ DECA sent 147 students to the State Career Development Conference (SCDC) from March 2 to 5….

Respect and Education: The N-Word

By Staff Writers Kikue Higuchi & Shray Vaidya As music by African-American artists becomes more popular, the n-word is heard more, seen more, and used…