The Smoke Signal, MSJ's Official Newspaper


Relay For Life 2019: Gallery

By Sports Editor Hannah Chou, Centerspread Editor Karen Li, and Staff Writers Sahana Sridhar and Mingjia Wang

MSJ Relay For Life (RFL) raised a total of $84,136 through both the RFL teams’ fundraising efforts through out the year as well as the RFL overnight event held at MSJ from April 27 to 28. Participants came together for the overnight event to walk laps around the track, watch student performances, and listen to various guest speakers. A portion of the proceeds raised go towards the many programs that the nonprofit American Cancer Society offers for cancer patients and caretakers.

Check out the Smoke Signal‘s photo coverage of the event below!

“Why did you join Relay?”

“I wanted to help fundraise for people in need of it. It was a great experience going door-to-door and talking to people about this cause and how much a simple donation of like $20 can help a person a lot. It was a great experience.” — Hridhay Monangi, 9

“I initially started because one of my closest coaches I have ever met, his son passed away from cancer at a really young age — early 20’s. I respect him so much — everything he does is so influential to other people. he influenced me to do better, and that’s one of the main reasons why I joined Relay for Life.” — Starla Murillo, 11

“What do you like most about Relay?”

“I like the sense of community it brings. I think that first of all, you have the individual aspect of raising money, which you can build your own sense of self. you also have a sense of community on relay day, where all the teams are working hard because we ultimately have that one shared goal. so we have a “super-ordinate” goal, as psychology says, that brings all groups together, which helps create a sense of community.” — Arundhati Calambur, 11
“I like the fact that it’s something that brings everyone together. There aren’t many [chance] where we can come together and serve the community as a school, so rfl is one of the few opportunities to do that.” — Adelpha Chan, 12

Photos by Sports Editor Hannah Chou, Centerspread Editor Karen Li, and Staff Writers Sahana Sridhar and Mingjia Wang

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