2018-19 Staff Application

Click HERE for application.

Apply to Journalism* and the Smoke Signal for 2018! Remember you will be enrolled in the journalism class if you are accepted. The class comprises the staff of the newspaper. The application is due on Wednesday, February 21 to M-2 by 4 p.m. Please bring your completed application package in person. If you have any questions about the class, please visit our FAQ page.

Here are some helpful tips from current staff members on filling out the application:

“As you fill out our application, don’t try to cater toward what you think we want to see. The Smoke Signal is all about taking diverse skills and putting them together to form one cohesive product. I applied to the Smoke Signal with little to my name other than a handful of science and math competitions. Even though I wasn’t as good at writing as some of my peers were, I found my own place for my unique talents.” — Web Editor Jonathan Ko

“Before I can even talk about the application, my first piece of advice is to START. If you put your mind to it, you’re halfway there! I would then say that it might be a good idea to break up the application into parts to help you have a clear picture of what you need to get done and when. Write honestly! You really want to express your own qualities and who you are as a writer, a student, and a person. Give yourself at least three or four days to edit before you submit your application. This does not mean you should give yourself time to nit-pick every word you have used and try to ‘make it sound smarter,’ but having time to read through your application can allow you to catch any silly mistakes or major things you wish to change, because you normally won’t catch those things until you take time away and read it again later.” — Staff Writer Shiantel Chiang

“Remember to highlight every strength you have, regardless of how insignificant you may think it to be. In addition, remember to sell yourself and maintain your confidence even if you are unsure of the situation. There’s no need to worry! The application is intimidating but you are definitely capable of filling it out to the best of your ability if you overlook your fear of applying.” — Staff Writer Anisa Kundu

Good luck to all applicants! Mrs. Cohen and the graduating senior editors look forward to reviewing your applications.

*Joining the Smoke Signal staff means the Journalism class is a part of your schedule. The class and the staff are one. Please be sure you have an available elective in your schedule in order to be eligible before you submit the application.

Decisions will not be made in time for pre-registration. Choose your elective and then you will be placed into the class once the process is complete.

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