By Staff Writers Karen Li & Kelly Yang
What part of the holidays do you love the most and why?
“The part I love most about the holidays is Nutcracker season! Unfortunately I’m not participating in a Nutcracker production this year but I’m especially grateful to still have the opportunity to watch my dance friends perform on stage.” — Karen Zhu, 12
“I like Christmas, but not because of the presents. Everthing seems so much more cheery, just because the word Christmas reminds me of lights and deer and trees … holiday things.” — Yukati Gupta, 10
“My favorite part of the holidays is definitely the spirit. Even though my family doesn’t do a traditional Christmas celebration, I still greatly enjoy sitting in the car with the radio playing Christmas music. It just puts me in a peaceful and calm mood. Everything feels cozy and alright, even if I’m really stressed about school or life.” — Amber Jiang, 10
What are you especially grateful for this holiday season?
“I’m really grateful to be around friends and family, but also K-pop has become a big part of my life lately. I’ve recently found a passion for music and dance, so that’s what I’m thankful for.” — Arthur Kwong, 12
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