MSJ National Art Honors Society Paints Mural

By: Shirby Wang


MSJ National Art Honors Society is planning a new mural next to English Teacher Kathy Mattingly’s classroom, E2B, to be finished by the end of the school year. The mural is planned by the art club officers, including Juniors Jessica Zhang, Christie Chong and Amy Hoffman and Seniors Rachel Chang and Sherry Xiao.

Because the E-Wing houses mostly English classrooms, the design is based on literature, including many literary references such as Huckleberry Finn, Moby Dick, Animal Farm, The Great Gatsby, Shakespeare, Edgar Allen Poe, Joy Luck Club and Lord of the Flies. The design of the mural is cartoonish and a more modern change in contrast to the other murals in the E-wing.


“We hope to beautify the school and contribute to the community using our artistic talents,” said Chong.

It has been approved by Art Teacher Edie Christensen and by English teachers who have classrooms in the wing. The painting is to begin the week after AP testing.



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