By: Matt Farberov
On January 31, the Fremont Police Department (FPD) began issuing tickets to any cars parked in “No Parking” zones along Palm Avenue and in the cul-de-sacs off the street. After receiving several complaints from residents, the FPD said it would come out to enforce the posted signs that prohibit parking between the hours of 7 AM and 4 PM. Parking on Palm or in the residential neighborhoods across from the school during the prohibited hours may result in ticketing or towing. Although some students choose to risk the tickets to avoid buying a $20 Parking Permit, Resource Officer Gregory Pipp said, “It’s much cheaper to pay the permit fee than to pay the ticket.”
Tickets issued to minors for illegal parking or speeding can dramatically increase insurance rates, result in hefty fines, or result in the vehicle being towed. Multiple offenses can even culminate in license suspension. For more information on parking permits, please see Brandi in the main office.
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