by Staff Writers Sumani Alem, Alisha Chhangani, Lily Oh, Amanda Pang, Sakshi Umrotkar & Alina Zeng As the end of the…
by Staff Writers Megh Basu, Kruthi Gollapudi, Lily Oh, Varun Upadhyay, Mingxin Wang & Brooke Zheng
As the end of the 2019-20 school year approaches, MSJ wraps up a decidedly unique year full of fundraisers, competitions,…
Have you noticed your mood swaying with your level of productivity? The Opinion of the Smoke Signal Editorial Board We…
by Staff Writers Kruthi Gollapudi, Tavish Mohanti, Carolyn Qian & Monisha Saxena Click on the plus icons!
By Opinion Editors Josephine Chew and Aria Lakhmani Graphic by Web Editor Gregory Wu
by Staff Writer Maggie Lai English pop rock band The 1975’s latest album Notes On A Conditional Form may seem jarring…
by Staff Writers Anika Arora & Alisha Channgani Every year, the Smoke Signal spotlights graduating MSJ seniors who will be…
by News Editors Jonathan Liu & Sabrina Wu In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, Sophomore Heidi Wang and Junior Josie…
by Staff Writer Megh Basu Staying true to its name, Never Have I Ever, Netflix’s new coming-of-age series, is wild,…