By Sports Editor Anika Arora & Staff Writer Sakshi Umrotkar To raise awareness about the rare disease community and shed…
*Update October 3* As of September 30, Gov. Gavin Newsom has vetoed the Ethnic Studies bill due to criticism on…
by A&E Editor Megh Basu, News Editor Alina Zeng & Staff Writer Tavish Mohanti As the 2020 presidential election approaches amidst…
As the end of the 2019-20 school year approaches, MSJ wraps up a decidedly unique year full of fundraisers, competitions,…
by News Editors Jonathan Liu & Sabrina Wu In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, Sophomore Heidi Wang and Junior Josie…
by Staff Writers Anya Agarwal, Larry Shi & Alina Zeng Students who have physical disabilities are often in need of…
American High School break-in on April 1, photo courtesy of Fremont Police Department by Staff Writers Mahek Bhora & Alina Zeng…
by Staff Writer Megh Basu On the morning of Wednesday, March 25, FUSD announced the decision to extend school closures…
by Staff Writers Anvi Kalucha & Monisha Saxena The FUSD Art Gala exhibited art pieces from FUSD elementary, middle and…
by News Editors Jonathan Liu & Sabrina Wu, A&E Editor Jessica Xu, & Web Editor Gregory Wu FUSD Superintendent Kim…