
DieHard TryHards Play Among Us

By Staff Writers Kruthi Gollapudi, Naveed Shakoor, Varun Upadhyay, Jerry Yuan, & Brooke Zheng

In the past couple of months, Among Us has gone from an unheard-of online multiplayer game to a widespread internet phenomenon. Now, we are putting the DieHard TryHards’ manipulation skills to the test. In an intense round of Among Us, will the Crewmates succeed in completing their tasks, or will the Impostor successfully execute their killing spree?



By no means am I an expert in Among Us. In fact, in all honesty, I suck. Seriously. The first time I ever played, I was chosen to be the Impostor — I know, I have incredible luck. And as expected, I was voted out almost immediately. Each subsequent game after that — which adds up to a grand total of three times — I had the joy of being a simple Crewmate. And I loved it! Completing tasks, especially fixing wires in Electrical, was so much more fun than having to worry about lying, manipulating, and sabotaging as an Impostor. But even then, I was ALWAYS killed off at the beginning. Every. Single. Time. I guess I should be preparing for this DHTH, but I don’t see why this time will be any different. Please, Among Us gods, just let me finish my tasks in peace!


I’m fairly confident in my deception skills, especially since I’ve played Among Us plenty of times before. My biggest worry is how easily I can be manipulated. Regardless of my gut feelings throughout the game, I completely forget about them after hearing the perspectives of other players. I’m also worried because I always seem suspicious — I’m not proud of how often I giggle or try to stifle a laugh throughout the game. I’ve prepared myself by playing with a few of my friends, and I’ve definitely lost more times than I’ve won, but I don’t think that’s an accurate representation of my skills. At this point, I’m just hoping that I don’t die first.


I’ve been religiously playing Among Us ever since it started becoming popular, and while I’m somewhat confident in my deception skills, I’m hesitant to start any trash talking, especially after my fiasco in the DHTH Zoom Pictionary challenge. I really want to redeem myself here, so I’ve studied each map thoroughly and will hopefully be able to discern whether or not someone is lying about tasks and make some big-brained plays. My two biggest worries heading into this are having someone completely make a fool out of me and my poor excuse of a poker face give me away if I end up being the Impostor. I don’t really know how I’ll be able to recover if both of my DHTH appearances end up as embarrassments, so I’m just praying I can perform well here. 


After spending 17 hours last week “practicing” playing Among Us and garnering more than 50 wins each as both Impostor and Crewmate, I‘ve mastered the craft of standing around and counting colored blobs. I’ve binge-watched hours of Disguised Toast content in preparation for this, and I’m certain the Impostor will be sent out of the airlock within the first two meetings. Hopefully the fact that I have never played in a voice call does not pose a serious challenge. The main problem is that I am really bad at lying through Zoom, so I’m betting that the Crewmates will win either way.


To be completely honest, I’ve never played a game of Among Us in my life, but I have watched YouTubers play, so I kind of know how things work. You just try to finish tasks if you’re a Crewmate and kill everyone if you’re an Impostor. Simple … right? I’m probably going to have to do some homework just to memorize room and task names so that I don’t get voted off first every round. I want to be Impostor though because it looks super fun, and hopefully I’ll be good enough at lying to get away with everything. And I better not have to play in some wonky settings that I’ve never seen before. Also, if I die first, the Impostor is definitely Varun.



Well, that did not go as expected. Honestly, I’m surprised at how well I did! Granted, I was trash as the Impostor — I’m still mad at myself for not killing Varun sooner. But as a Crewmate — not to toot my own horn or anything — I was pretty incredible. Although I’m sad I barely got to fix wires and shoot asteroids, I performed far better than I thought I would. Not getting killed immediately? Guessing the Impostor correctly each round? Yeah, your girl did that. I know that’s a low bar, especially for a game with only five people, but going into this DHTH, I genuinely believed I wouldn’t even be alive for any emergency meetings. Now, I’m more confident in my deduction skills than ever, and I might start playing Among Us more often! Who knew that winging it actually works? 


I’m a little embarrassed with my acting when I was the Impostor, but I am proud of the fight I put up! I did tell Varun I would kill him first as an Impostor, and I’m proud to say that I stayed true to my word. If only I’d turned the lights off and hadn’t self reported the body, I would have been able to get away with killing Varun. The theatrics I pulled off were definitely an accurate representation of how I tend to play the game — with passion and a convincing performance. As a Crewmate, my deduction skills definitely need some finetuning because throughout the games, I thought the Impostor was everyone but the actual Impostor. I have a lot of work to do in both my deception and problem-solving skills, but overall, I think I performed pretty well!


I don’t really have any words to describe how terrible that was. I don’t think I’ve ever messed up that badly as Impostor before — I just knew I’d lose as soon as I self-reported — and I didn’t even get a chance to prove myself as a Crewmate either. If I’m being honest, I’m a little bit salty about constantly getting killed early on, because I wasn’t ever able to make some insanely high-IQ gamer moves. I feel like this challenge wasn’t a true representation of my skills, and I really hope I’ll get another shot at redemption. For now though, I guess I’ve just gone 2-0 on embarrassing myself in yet another DHTH episode, so maybe that’s a sign for me to take a break for a little while. Don’t worry, I’ll be back probably.


Although my prediction was spot on, I am quite disappointed with my general performance. My many hours of practice and research ended up with me performing exactly the same as basically everyone else. Turns out that counting colored blobs doing tasks doesn’t really provide enough information when each round ends in less than a minute. Unfortunately, luck was not on my side when I died as a Crewmate twice, robbing me of my time in the spotlight as a detective. When I was Impostor, I was also probably a bit too eager to recklessly kill Varun instead of playing the strategic mind games, sabotages, and vent kills I would usually make (but it was worth it). Like I guessed, lying in a Zoom call was near impossible, but if we ever have a rematch with the standard 10-person setup, I’m confident that I’ll win every time.


Well, I’m very surprised that I didn’t get killed a single time for being a “noob” at this game, and I think I can safely say that I actually did pretty well for my first time playing, even though I pretty much stood by as the Impostor killed off Crewmates. Knowing my luck, it makes sense that I’m the only one who didn’t get to be Impostor, but that’s fine. It basically means I won every round, which is better than any of the other players, and that is perfectly fine with me. I thought it was going to be super hard, and I was so nervous of second Impostoring, which is basically constantly accusing the wrong person of being the Impostor, especially in that first round. But to be honest, it was a lot easier since there were only five of us playing. Overall, I think it was a pretty good game, and maybe it’s time to start playing this more often with my friends. 

Cover Graphic by Graphics Editor Anya Agarwal

Jessica Yu

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