By Staff Writers Shiantel Chiang, Kikue Higuchi, Karen Li, and Kelly Yang
Math Teacher Tyler Robinson knew he wanted to become a teacher since seventh grade. He has taught a variety of math classes since coming to MSJ, including Precalculus, Geometry, and Algebra 2/Trigonometry. He said the most rewarding part of his job is getting to learn about all the students, because there is no other job that would allow him to enjoy the company of people who are as funny, engaging, and motivated as his students here. Since coming to MSJ, Robinson feels that his teaching ability has drastically changed from seeing how hard the students work and working even harder to stay ahead of them. Robinson earned a psychology degree before becoming a teacher and will be leaving MSJ to attend graduate school for experimental psychology. *
Spanish Teacher Elvia Sepulveda started her teaching career by educating adult migrant farmworkers in Spanish Literacy. After working with public high school students, she realized that she loved encouraging students and helping them have a positive high school experience. During her time at MSJ, Sepulveda has made many fond memories. Her favorite one happened during the 2014-15 school year, when her AP Spanish students made and signed a Christmas card for her . To Sepulveda, the most rewarding part of being a teacher is seeing her students’ desire to learn. Although Sepulveda is leaving MSJ in order to teach at a private school closer to her home, she still inspires students with her parting message: “Do your best with honesty, integrity, and by being the most genuine version of yourself you can be.”
The Smoke Signal reached out to the following teachers who either declined the interview or could not be reached for comment.
Biology Teacher Julie Luikart will be leaving MSJ to work closer to family. She spent several years teaching CP Biology, Integrated Science, and NGSS at MSJ. Her contributions throughout her many years teaching here will be remembered.
Spanish Teacher Laurie Malone will also be retiring from MSJ after many years teaching Spanish 2 and 3. Malone’s knowledge and wisdom will be dearly missed by her many thankful students.
English Teacher Cherylle Lindsey is also leaving MSJ this year. She has spent many years at MSJ teaching English 10 Honors and AP Literature, spreading her wisdom to her many grateful students. Lindsey and her many talents as an educator will be greatly missed by all the students here at MSJ.
Math Teacher Kevin Mallon will transfer to Thornton Jr. High School, but his dedication to MSJ and all his time spent here is greatly appreciated. Mallon taught a variety of math courses, from Trigonometry to Precalculus, and he will be missed by everyone.
Social Studies Teacher Jaime Richards is retiring this year after teaching many years of Government/Economy classes to the students here. His knowledge and vibrant personality will be missed by all students and staff.
Photos by Staff Writer Rishi Chillara
* Mr. Robinson will continue teaching Geometry and Algebra 2-Trigonometry Accelerated at Mission while attending San Jose State University in the 2018-19 school year.
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