Prince William: Dear Katy, didn’t the senior decorations look just posh today?
Catherine Middleton: Why indeed Willy! I almost wanted to eat the popcorn out of the trash can; although that would have been quite uncourtly.
PW: The circus tent banner sure made me feel like I was at the circus.
CM: Even the flags and backdrop were emanating red. I pulled my eyes from the elaborate backdrop and my attention turned to the opening strum of the guitar and the band on stage.
PW: The opening song was certainly different from other singing air bands and it revved up the audience for the performance yet to come.
CM: With the start of the variety show and martial arts air bands, I fell into the groove of a circus.
PW: As the characters were introduced, I noticed that there was only one character each for the Freshmen and Junior classes.
CM: Yes, didn’t you also notice that the Junior was repeatedly portrayed as an unintelligent Indiana Jones?
PW: Why yes! Even the Juniors seemed to notice that and clapped their hands over their heads.
CM: Speaking of audience reactions, the people doing the voiceovers seemed out of sync at times causing some awkward pauses.
PW: The Kennedy Joker’s role was animated and sent a chill through my bones. However, the resolution of the conflict was not clear and the Joker’s influence seemed to vanish.
CM: There were some sweet parts though! The ringleader’s speech touched my heart.
PW: Furthermore, I would’ve liked to see more air bands that complemented the actual skit, and not all clustered at the end during the “greatest show on earth.”
CM: The concept was unique and understandable with regard to their theme of a circus show.
PW: However, the skit was long and so was the cluster of air bands.
CM: The air bands were enjoyable and the variety of dances was entertaining. I think I might enroll in Tahitian dancing classes. The intricate choreography of the Tahitian dance was splendid.
PW: I think I may try to “bust some moves” with the hip-hoppers and the break dancers.
CM: Oh and don’t you try to sneak a peek at the all-girl’s dance.
PW: Fine, but did you see that beat-boxer? His beat-boxing was phenomenal.
CM: It was unfortunate that the seniors did not get to finish their skit due to the lack of time.
PW: Nevertheless, the seniors always unite wonderfully at the end though.
CM: Coming to watch the seniors was definitely worth it.
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there is no way that first place will be taken from the seniors. our homecoming was OUTSTANDING. every single year the seniors poke fun at ALL underclassmen, juniors included, therefore it should not be taken personal by anyone. Homecoming is the spirit of unity and friendly competition! everyone will have their chance, guranteed. the freshman, sophomores, and juniors think we're "mean" and "disrespectful" when in reality, our pranking is taken extremely too seriously. you will never understand until YOU are a senior and it's YOUR turn. we have had so many restrictions put on us by administration that we couldn't even enjoy our senior homecoming experience. not to mention the teachers' lashing out very in appropriately towards the senior class. for more than 50 years has homecoming been the way it was in previous years and seniors this year got the short end of the stick. it is our last homecoming EVER and the actions and restrictions enforce upon us has killed the spirit of homecoming, however we still managed to come out on top and end with a bang. We merely want to enjoy our last year and everyone should honestly not take any of the joking or pranking seriously. it's the spirit of homecoming and thats what it's all about. of you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen.
If I remember correctly, the juniors won 1st place a couple of years ago.
stupid autocorrect
you're posting off your phone?
Great job Smoke Signal! Thank you so much for the compliments and the critique on our flaws. We gave it our all and are extremely proud of our work! I would just like to add that our skit was actually finished; we were cut off from the last 10 seconds of our ending airband. Bummer? Yeah. However we rebounded immediatly with cheers and still brought the crowd to its feet.
And major kudos to the Smoke Signal for taking this week's beatings from hecklers, trolls, and complainers from all sides, and still doing what you do best- reporting. Makes me proud.
"1,2 that's how we do! 1,2- we finally did it!" <3
Today I visited Mission San Jose high school to see the senior play. I was hoping to see a group of students that would set a proper role model for my daughter(a freshman)but I was immensely disappointed. The play was nice and all, but when it got to the dances I was shocked. These teenage girls were being overly showy and flaunting way too much skin than what should be allowed. It was in some ways disgusting. Their movements were offensive and the music they were dancing to was very explicit. It is to my understanding that these so called "booty dances" were banned but why then were the students allowed to perform these overly sexual dances. I am very disappointed in Mission San Jose high school's senior class for putting on a performance that left me and other parents feeling uncomfortable.
It's a tradition that has been around for decades. It was not nearly as explicit as past years. And I see nothing wrong with the music or the outfits. I'm sorry if you feel that way.
If you find this uncomfortable, I have no qualms about advising you to move to another school district where you won't find such "showy and flaunting way too much skin".
OH, wait.
It's the culture. Take it or leave it please.
Seniors this year are severely limited with what they can or cannot do as it is. Still feeling offended? Please consider another school then, since Mission is obviously such a horrible place.
Then again, Mission isn't a top-notch school because their students can shake their butts.
We are no longer in the 1950s =[
Get over yourself. Its a school tradition. There are more parents out there that couldn't care less versus those that do care. It just so happens to be that the ones that care are the ones who are outspoken and whiny.
Sorry if this is disrespectful but it is true.
I think we seniors did a really good job this year considering all the restrictions placed on us. If you saw last year seniors, they were way more provocative and "overly sexual." These booty dances are for fun and most of the students were laughing. The dances were amazing and well-coordinated.
I am a parent too and I disagree with the above parent. I made an effort to come watch every homecoming show at lunch time from work. I am touched by the creativities, the talent and the passion these students have displayed. This is what youth suppose to be!!! We should cheer for them. Don’t using your "traditional" rules to judge these kids or the school on the surface. Through months of preparation for homecoming, they learnt so much outside the classroom, such as unity, pride, cooperation, focus, team work, organization, hands on experiences on building decorations etc. There are plenty role models if you look into it beyond the dance movements you don’t like personally.
Great job, seniors did! Proud of them, I am!
Hey cathy send ur girl to castilleja. Mission girls got swag and the seniors killed it out there not even the excellent sophomore performance came close to the SENIORSSSSSSS! 1,2 thas how we du!
ma'am, your comments are not only demeaning, but rude and unnecessary. for a parent to be so judgemental and condescending, is even more appalling in my opinion. if you didn't enjoy the performance, please dont return to watch the up and coming years.
Wow.....This review is probably the most BS review I have ever read. Everything the smoke signal has written is total bull. it's obvious that the writers are seniors. Firstly, they state that the decorations were "posh". Unless "posh" means mediocre, that statement is false. The decorations looks liked they were rushed in an hour. This may be because the senior "all nighter" only lasted two hours, which is probably why the deco was so cheap and shoddy. How could the senior class do this? Don't they care at all about winning? I don't mean any offense, I love the seniors, but this is a bit pathetic. And no offense but the skit was pretty poorly written as well, I mean, why was there a joker? A joker isn't even a clown.... A joker is more like a jester, which performs at a kings' court rather than at a carnival? I mean if the theme was a carnival based theme they should have put more effort into the costume design. Not to be mean but their were some other inconsitstencys as well; for instance, why did they get a girl to play indiana jones? That too an INDIAN girl. That is a bit racist, just because she is indian doesnt mean she has to be INDIANa jones. Also, in back to the future they use a "flux capacitor" to travel through time NOT a cristal ball. I love the seniors and all but these plot holes can detur an audience from the main purpose of the skit. Another thing that was bad was the dirty dancing; at certain points in the dances I thought the girls would just straight up strip because they were soooo sexual and provacative! The seniors didnt put enough effort into organizing the homecoming performance and the deco. It is a shame because usually the seniors are supposed to take the show, but this time they couldnt even meet the bar. The smoke signal should reconsider their review, they give too much credit to the seniors; not that this is a bad thing its just that it influences people to vote more for the seniors than the other classes in a competition meant to show which class is bettr. Again I DO NOT want to seem mean, I'm just stating the facts that the seniors WERE the worst this year when they should have been better. sorry
you should REALLY consider deleting this comment because you really don't understand how dumb this makes you look.... seriously. respect your elders.
since when is a person a year older considered an elder?
they are considered elders when underclassmen make stupid posts like this. don't like it? don't say stupid stuff.
if the seniors were bad, then everyone else was downright terrible.
also 1. sexist
2. who the balls cares about a flux capacitor?
3. I dont think I can respond to the joker thing in an appropriate sentence ( and yes "balls" is appropriate)
Classes aren't allowed to review themselves, so your premise is false.
Just to clarify, our skit was technically based on Cirque Du Soleil, which is very different from a circus, but we decided to stick with a more traditional circus setting. The character was a combination of a clown and a jester. We don't have to STRICTLY follow our theme.
And really? AN INDIAN GIRL PLAYING INDIANA JONES IS RACIST? What is wrong with you. First off, it was a character INSPIRED by Indiana Jones, just like how all the characters aren't direct carbon copies of the original characters, obviously. And what does being Indian have to do with anything? That's the most ridiculously absurd statement I've ever read. She was a good actor, who happened to be Indian. If anything you are racist for making her race a big deal. How dare you.
As stated repeatedly, dirty dancing? Booty dances from past senior skits have been much worse. End of story. And enough of this "well I love the seniors, I'm not trying to be mean" bullshit. It's obvious that you're heavily biased. You barely gave us any credit. And again "AN INDIAN CHARACTER PLAYING INDIANa JONES?" What the hell is that? We used a crystal ball because she was a fortune teller and worked well with our plot, but that's beside the point. The whole point is to be creative and not EXPLICITLY copy the plot elements of other classes, merely adapt it. A "flux capacitor" would make NO sense. Whoever wrote this has no concept of creativity. I swear.
We had golden stars with all of our name son it covering the side of the office. We had an amazing colorful backdrop, popcorn trashcans, balloons lining up the entire side, a circus tent banner at the top of the amphitheater, flags, a tunnel, cutouts of elephants and otters and a bunch of other props. You did not mention the band that opened up for us. Or the two girls singing with Ryan beatboxing. Or our co-ed tahitian with the guys CARRYING the girls on their shoulders. You made know mention of our baton routine or our bboy dance with one of the guys doing a windmill or our taekwondo. We had a very well-executed jazz dance with seven girls and a salsa dance. And not to mention our AMAZING hip hop.
I have to disagree with you "firestarter", the decorations weren't that good at all. Also your argument is pretty weak seeing as how you used subjective opinionated points and "misterJ" used facts....
"why did they get a girl to play indiana jones? That too an INDIAN girl. That is a bit racist, just because she is indian doesnt mean she has to be INDIANa jones."
The senior's decorations were pretty clever. Nobody puts in how the managed to throw in all of their previous themes into the backdrop, and the raw amount of red they used is still very impressive.
"misterJ" did not use facts.
btw, inconsistencies*. learn to spell. thanks.
*crystal ball. not cristal ball.
I DO NOT want to seem mean, I’m just stating the fact that you are a complete idiot
You serious. Maybe monica was just chosen because she's a hecka good actor...not because she's INDIAN and its INDIANa jones -_-
Its insulting that RACE would be a deciding factor in the decision of the person to play the junior in the senior homecoming skit. The actor (id rather not use names here, even though we know, and i know and you know who they are) is simply good, and is a relatively cool person who honestly deserved and did well with the part. Its all over now, so chill.
"This may be because the senior “all nighter” only lasted two hours"
So you're suggesting that I did NOT run 4 miles that night to get supplies and that I did not stay up 9 hours? I think you need to reconsider.
Although you are right about the planning - some of the "heads" didn't do a good job of thinking of the designs. I concur.
To parents that put their name up, please don't, especially if you have kids in school. Like it or not, people will start hating on them for what you're doing in this comment section.
On the brighter note, seniors did AMAZING! and again the review wayy too fancy for us mortals, just saying. But i absolutely loved all the performances, boys booty, girls airbands but the highlight would go to the beatbox. I had Spanish with him last year! Boys booty, as far as i'm concerned, they absolutely entertained the crowd with the goddamn rules and regulations the admins put on. Parents please, if u think this is bad, don't let your kids watch tv or music videos(try "Sexy and i know it" by LMFAO, since every class except freshman used it)WIGGLE WIGGLE WIGGLE WIGGLE WIGGLE YEEEUH! and thank you for not bashing the sophomores as bad as we thought :D I'm really gonna miss my seniors <3